A fun follow-up project to the entrepreneur project that allows the girls to present their businesses to a chance to invest in their company.
Learning Goal:
Allow girls to share their ideas and businesses as well as think about what help they may need from others. Explore the importance of presentation and collaboration as well as consider questions like “How will your business make a difference in your community”.
Businesses from the “Entrepreneur Project”
Chromebooks (optional for method of presentation using google slides or google docs)
Other presentation supplies such as poster board, markers, construction paper
Certificate of Investment templates (linked below)
Project Run Time: 2 meetings
Note: We allowed 1 meeting for the girls to think about the answers to our questions and make a presentation explaining their business. We started presentations during the second meeting.
Step #1:
Present the project and project questions to the girls. Explain that they will be pitching their earlier created businesses to the "sharks." Based on their presentations, their goal is to persuade the high school leaders to invest in their businesses. Allow the girls time to brainstorm answers to the following questions:
What is the goal that you have for your business?
What will you do with the money if we choose to invest?
How much money do you think you will need?
Step #2:
Have the girls make presentations through their preferred method to answer the above questions. The girls can choose to make a poster, make a google slide presentation, etc. etc. Whatever they choose, this is the way that they will be pitching their business to the sharks.
Step #3:
Have the girls present their businesses as a class or in small groups to the "sharks". After each presentation, award investment certificates to each group.
Link To Investment Certificate:
[ Project Credit: Elise Ishay, Devinny Elementary School ]