Welcome to Women Who Lead!
We're a community of dedicated students, teachers, and volunteers who aim to empower 3rd-8th grade girls through fun, informative, and interactive projects.
Explore to find information about our mission, information about starting your own club at a local school, project ideas, and what amazing women and girls are doing throughout the community.
Women Who Lead is about creating a strong female community through the study of modern day and historical women, interactive projects, and the exploration of female literature and film.
Women Who Lead is an extracurricular club for 3rd-8th grade girls that is run by students, teachers, and volunteers in the community. The club began at one Jeffco elementary school, Rooney Ranch, but has since broadened and grown. The club is continually shifting, morphing, and expanding with the help of more and more passionate female leaders in the community.
We are set on creating a place of empowerment and fun, whether that's diving into projects where the girls get to create their own theoretical businesses, speech-write for an issue they're passionate about, or simply enjoy a powerful female lead in an inspiring movie.
Learn more about how the program works, getting started with your own club, and other logistics.
A place to find club curriculum and share ideas with a community of strong female leaders.
Meet some of the amazing people who make Women Who Lead possible and find contact information for clubs in your area.
Explore our reading club centered around small but essential works of feminist literature.
A place to find club curriculum and share ideas with a community of strong female leaders.
Stay up to date with Women Who Lead happenings and find individual contact information for each school.
Get Involved!
Learn more about how we run things, getting started for yourself, and other logistics.