A fun and quick project that can be great to pair with another activity.
Learning Outcome:
Showing your creative and artistic side by sharing/making your favorite super power. Also, create some personal and unique female heroines.
Printed out silhouettes (some ideas attached below)
Art Supplies!
Project Run-Time: 1/2-1 meeting
note: This project can go pretty quickly. In order to fill a full-meeting time, this can be paired with another project or presentation time.
Step #1:
Print out some fun female silhouettes! A great place to look is Pinterest. :)
Some possible forms to consider:
Some forms girls have used in the past in already printable google-drive form:
Step #2:
After the girls have created their heroines, have them answer the following questions to spur some discussion and deepen their characters:
Who is your superhero?
What special power did you give them and why?
How will this superpower help save the world?
Step #3:
Share! Encourage the girls to talk about who they created, why they chose to create who they did, and how this female superhero could change the world.